Matthew 28:19: To who and what does the call to Evangelize mean?
Asked 3 years ago
"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit," What was the original translation? Was this said to all Christians everywhere, to pastors, or the Apostles alone? If this is meant for every Christian, what does the action look like for a woman? I'm not referring to serving at a church and teaching one's children. How do I evangelize to win souls outside of church?
Petal Mashraki
Thursday, August 26, 2021
Evangelize means spreading the good word of G_d. In Matthew 28:19 Jesus is talking to the eleven disciples, but the message is meant for all Christians. Christ calls on the disciples (and every Christian) to evangelize to the world so that all people can be part of G-d's Holy Kingdom. All Christians are disciples of Christ in the task of spreading the word of G-d.
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