How does the story of Jonah relate to the story of Jesus?
Asked 3 years ago
What does Jonah's story tell us and how does it foreshadow that of Jesus' story?
Osasere Okunloye
Tuesday, October 19, 2021
The relationship between Jesus Christ and the story of Jonah was summarised by Jesus in Mathew 12: 39-41.
1. Just as Jonah spent three days in the belly of the fish, Jesus Christ spent three days in the "heart of the earth," as stated in chapter 40.
2. Jesus was sent to the earth and Jonah was sent to Nineveh. Nineveh repented when Jonah was sent to them, as stated in chapter 41.
3. Jesus is the greater Jonah, as stated in chapter 41 "Behold, a greater than Jonah is here"
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