What Did Jesus Eat at the Last Supper?
The Last Supper is a famous story that people have at least heard of. But what did Jesus actually eat at the Last Supper? Let's find out.
Published February 28, 2022.
There have been many depictions of the Last Supper in media, with the most famous being Leonardo da Vinci's painting. The Last Supper is also renowned for Jesus announcing the knowledge that one of his disciples would betray him. What is not as widely known is what foods Jesus did and did not eat during the Last Supper.
Foods That Jesus Ate at the Last Supper
- Bread In Matthew 26:17, Jesus is said to break bread with his disciples.
- Wine The disciples drank the wine at the Last Supper, but not Jesus himself. He states, "I will not drink from this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom" (Matthew 26:27, NKJV). This refusal to drink wine foreshadows the events that would occur at his crucifixion.
- Olive oil This assumption is made on the presumption that the Last Supper would have included many local items, olive oil, and dates and figs.
Foods That Jesus Did Not Eat at the Last Supper
- Lamb Lambs in biblical times were the object of sacrifice. Given that this meal occurred before Jesus was sacrificed on the cross, there is speculation that he is representative of a lamb for slaughter.
- Eel Despite eel being depicted in the famous painting by da Vinci, eel is not a Kosher dish, so it likely would not have been consumed by Jesus and his disciples.
It is important to note that many of these items are listed based on speculation and research done into popular cuisine at the time. The only two items that are explicitly pointed out in the bible as being part of the Last Supper are the bread and wine, representing Christ's body and blood.
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