The miracle of Jesus walking on water

a stone arch on the beach with the ocean in the background
By Daniel Goodman

Updated August 11, 2024.

the sun is shining through the clouds over the ocean

Where the miracle of Jesus walking on water took place:

The miracle of Jesus walking on water takes place at the Sea Of Galilee, located in the northeastern part of Israel.

The Sea of Galilee is the largest freshwater lake in Israel and is the primary water source for the country. The Sea of Galilee is very important in the Bible as it was where Jesus performed many of his miracles - including the miracle of Jesus walking on water. The Sea of Galilee, also known as Lake Tiberias and is a significant site in Jesus' ministry.

Understanding the Significance of Jesus Walking on Water:

The miracle of Jesus walking on water is one of the most profound and symbolic events in Christianity, illustrating His divine power and the faith required to follow Him. . According to the Gospel of Matthew, after feeding the 5,000, Jesus sent His disciples ahead of Him by boat while He went to a mountainside to pray. During the night, the disciples' boat was rocked by waves due to the high wind and waves that were against it. For most of the night the disciples rowed against the wind. After Jesus was finished praying He left the shore and miraculously walked across the water to their boat. Then He performed a second miracle and calmed the storm before returning with them to land.

At this significant moment in history, Jesus showed His power over nature before The disciples and It was then the disciples confessed their faith in Him.

Why it is so important:

The miracle of Jesus walking on water is so important in Christianity for multiple reasons:

Belief: When Peter stepped out of the boat, he walked on water towards Jesus, demonstrating his faith in Jesus but there wasn't full belief in Jesus' capabilities. Due to Peters lack of complete faith in Jesus' ability to walk on water he began to sink, which proved that lack of belief and confidence in Jesus could hinder his abilities. Jesus rescued Peter and proved his capabilities and additionally taught Peter a lesson that trusting in His capabilities is essential for overcoming life's difficulties and uncertainties. Faith acts as a foundation block through difficult and uncertain times, offering reassurance and hope even when the situation seems grey. The ability to remain resilient in the face of trials, knowing that we are supported by a greater power can help guide and sustain us through bleak times.

Comparison of Jesus walking on water and Moses splitting the Red Sea.

Some scholars find it comparable to the story of Moses splitting the Red Sea and Jesus' walking on water comparable in both the divine intervention and the meaning behind both of these miracles.

These miracles are both historical events but also profound symbols of unwavering presence and support from both these historical figures. Moses’ act of parting the sea highlights how faith in God’s promises can lead to liberation and new beginnings, while Jesus walking on water provides reassurance of His presence and ability to bring peace amidst life's storms. Both these miracles of Moses' splitting the Red Sea and Jesus' walking on water inspire us to have faith, belief and trust in some of the most challenging times.

The two miracles stated above; Jesus walking on water and Moses splitting the Sea have one more deeeper meaning. Both of these miracles were selfless acts of divine intervention.

  1. Moses by parting the Red Sea, God provided a miraculous escape route for His people, showcasing His control over nature and His ability to protect and guide them.

  2. Jesus' walking on water, demonstrated His sovereignty and capabilities, affirming His identity and His power to calm fears and provide safety.

In both these two instances, these miraculous acts served not only to reveal God's power but also to offer tangible assurance and support to those in need, highlighting the deep, personal care that the divine has for humanity in times of crisis.

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In both the story of Moses parting the Red Sea and Jesus walking on water, we bore witness to extraordinary live-demonstrations of divine intervention that offer profound and deep lessons for our lives. These miracles not only reveal God’s immense power over nature but also highlight His unwavering commitment to guiding and protecting us in times of trouble. They remind us that, no matter how turbulent our circumstances may be, we are never alone.

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