Ezekiel’s Wheel Within a Wheel: What Does It Mean?

What is the meaning behind Ezekiel's strange vision of God in the sky, including angels, wheels within wheels, and a chariot?

By Marie-Claire De Villiers
Edited by Joel Taylor

Published December 29, 2021.

The story of Ezekiel and the wheel, found mostly in the first chapter of the book of Ezekiel, is intriguing and powerful. In this article, we'll take a look at the meaning and its significance in our faith.

Ezekiel's Vision

Ezekiel's wheel within a wheel

The book of Ezekiel teaches us about a spectacular vision. From a mighty storm of wind, clouds, and lightning, he sees four angels or cherubim, each with four wings and four faces (a man, a lion, an ox, and an eagle). Each being in the sky also has bejeweled wheels, each of which has another inside it - "wheels within wheels." The beings hold a glorious chariot, upon which God appears seated on a throne. God says to Ezekiel, "Son of man, I am sending you to the Israelites."

The Meaning of Ezekiel’s Vision

Ezekiel, one of the Jews exiled from Israel to Babylon after the fall of Jerusalem, receives this vision as a sign that God has not abandoned him (or the people). The wheels are a sign of God's omnipresence, for he can move anywhere; the height of his throne illustrates that he is always watching from high above us. Another decoration of the chariot was numerous eyes, for God sees everything. Like the cross, the wheels within wheels allowed the spirits to immediately go in any of four directions where they were told to go (Ezekiel 10:16 - 17). The wheels are sturdy and consistent; we can trust in God's providence, even in difficult times.

Ezekiel was also instructed to warn the people of Israel that another attack would be coming if they did not mend their ways (worshipping false idols, using violence, and not recognizing God).

This magnificent scene is important as it shows us a dazzling display of God's power, his steadfastness, and his omnipresence in visual form.