Reading biblePosts and articles about Reading bibleAnswersDaniel GoodmanTop Bible Verses That Talk About EaglesThe sight of an eagle rising in flight is so powerful that the image is used often in the Bible. Their characteristics are used as symbols to strengthen ideas e...AnswersDaniel GoodmanWhat Is the Best Order to Read the Bible?Reading the Bible from cover to cover can be very intimidating and confusing. The books in the Bible were arranged according to the type of book it is. But this...CommunityHow do I choose a journal for the bible?Hi, I want to start to study the bible and do bible journaling. How do I find the right bible journal for me? AnswersPetal MashrakiWhat Is the Story of Cornelius in the Bible?Cornelius the Centurion was the first gentile convert to Christianity. The story of Cornelius in the Bible opens the Christian church to people of all denominat...BlogCarmen SlabbertThe Importance of the Sea of Galilee in the BibleThe Sea of Galilee is the largest freshwater lake in Israel and is the primary water source for the country. The Sea of Galilee is very important in the Bible a...BlogPetal MashrakiThe Significance of Ezekiel and the Cherubim in the BibleEzekiel is one of the prophetic books in the Bible. The Prophet Ezekiel has six visions in the Old Testament book of Ezekiel. In one of these visions, he sees a...AnswersPetal MashrakiWhy Does God Call Ezekiel “Son of Man”?The prophet Ezekiel features in the Old Testament. The Hebrew prophet is acknowledged by Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. He was the son of Buzi and a descende...CommunityHow do you finish reading the Bible?What is the best way to read the bible to finish reading it in one year?CommunityIs it okay to highlight or write in the Bible?I want to use a marker in the Bible for bible journaling, but I'm concerned that it could be a sin to do so. Do any of you use a highlighter or write in the bib...CommunityShould you journal in a regular bible?Hi, I'm interested in bible journaling and wondering how it works. What do you need for bible journaling? Do you journal in a regular bible?CommunityHow do I highlight and write in my Bible?I want to read and study the bible thoroughly. Apparently, there is something called bible journaling. Is this the same as annotating in the bible? If so, how d...CommunityWho are the two olive trees and lampstands in the Bible?Who in the Bible was symbolized by olive trees and lampstands?CommunityWhat does the Bible say about head covering?Growing up, traditionally, women covered their heads when going to and in church. Some wore elaborate hats and others a simple cloth. Is there something in the ...CommunityWhat does Bible say about a Christmas tree?Is there a place in the bible that mentions a Christmas tree? Whether yes or no, do you think the Christmas tree symbolizes anything? CommunityIs a Bible a good Christmas gift?Should I get a bible as a Christmas gift for a Christian friend of one? If yes, what is the best version of the bible I should get? (There are so many) Englis...CommunityWhat is the chronological timeline of the Bible?It makes sense to read the Bible in chronological order because that is how life/generations have panned out. I figured that's how the stories of the bible woul...CommunityWhy was Jerusalem called the city of David?I'm not too sure if it's Bethlehem or Jerusalem that's known as the city of David. I've also heard the name 'City of God' floating about. If someone could cla...