What is the chronological timeline of the Bible?
Asked 4 years ago
It makes sense to read the Bible in chronological order because that is how life/generations have panned out. I figured that's how the stories of the bible would make the most sense. Can someone please tell me the chronology of it?
Tara Jernigan
Tuesday, August 24, 2021
There actually is a published Chronological Bible that a lot of people find helpful. Some of the chronology is a little dicey (for example, Moses probably left Egypt around 1450 BC. Some scholars are really convinced it was 1250 BC, though. There is good evidence for both). There are several published biblical timelines out there, too. Zondervan published a series of OT/NT/Church History maps and chronologies. Good stuff. Don't take them for perfect, but they can be useful.
Petal Mashraki
Saturday, August 28, 2021
The Bible is an anthology rather than a chronological history. The New Testament starts with the four Gospels which each give a version of the life of Jesus. At first, read just the Book of Mark then skip to the Book of Acts to continue the storyline after Christ's resurrection. Return to the other books for further reading. There are chronological Bible reading guides online, as well as Bibles with the text rearranged in chronological order.
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