Was there an angel in the nativity scene?
Asked 3 years ago
If so, who was the angel in the nativity scene?
Carmen Slabbert
Tuesday, November 16, 2021
Angels have been part of the nativity story since the beginning. The angel Gabriel was the one who told Mary she will birth Jesus (Luke 1:26-28). In Matthew 1:20-21, we read that an angel told Joseph about Mary carrying a child. An angel (not mentioned by name) told the shepherds in the field about the birth of Jesus (Luke 2). It was also an angel that told Joseph to flee to Egypt (Matthew 2:13).
Petal Mashraki
Thursday, December 09, 2021
In the Christmas story, angels bring important news. The Angel Gabriel tells Mary of her future child. An angel tells Joseph of Mary's immaculate conception. An angel tells the shepherds about the Savior's birth and where to find Him (Luke 2:10-12). Then a "host of angels" sing the glory of God. The Bible does not tell us if there were angels at the manger, but they were an important part of the nativity story.
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