Where is the best place to stay in Jerusalem?

Asked 3 years ago

What area would you recommend we stay in when we visit the holy land of Jerusalem?

Rylan Silva

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

I would say spend one or two nights in the capital city Tel Aviv as it is a lively place to be; after that, you can then go to Jerusalem to spend the rest of your time, Jerusalem isn't a big city but there are lots of places to visit. I will advise you to book your accommodation as soon as possible as most accommodation fills up quickly because of the number of tourists that visit the city.

Johan Slabbert

Sunday, February 27, 2022

It will depend on factors such as how many days you are staying, additionally, you also have to decide whether you want to stay in the old city or the more modern west of Jerusalem. Each has its charming touches that appeal to specific tourists. From five-star boutique hotels in the old city to the majestic King David hotel in the west.

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