What is the best free daily bible study app?

Asked 3 years ago

Hey guys, I'm looking for a bible study app, one that gives daily devotions and reading plans. Are there any free apps available?

Petal Mashraki

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Among the top Bible apps are:

  • The Bible App: used on over 445 million phones, study and discuss Scripture with others on the app. (iPhone & Andriod)
  • Bible.is: available in more than 1,300 languages, highlight and make notes on the Scripture, or have Scripture narrated to you. (iPhone & Android)
  • NeuBible: personalise your Scripture with highlighting, bookmarking, and switching fonts. (iPhone)
  • Bible Cross Reference: shows you connecting themes, words, people, and events in different passages. Allows for highlighting, bookmarking, and note-taking. (Andriod)

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