What are your spiritual experiences with being slain in the spirit?
Asked 3 years ago
Hi, I am curious about believers' thoughts/experiences of being "slain in the spirit." Often seen as falling to the floor after having hands laid upon you and being overwhelmed with the spirit. I'm Looking for opinions, experience, and especially biblical evidence of this occurrence. I watched some experience it for the first time today at the church I attend. I'm wary of the biblical basis behind it. Appreciate all points of view, and judgment withheld.
Carmen Slabbert
Sunday, August 29, 2021
Being slain in the spirit is the term, used by Christians when a person falls on the ground while experiencing an encounter with the Holy Spirit. Scripture does not explicitly talk about this but, there are a few scriptures where a similar encounter happened. Here is a few of these scriptures Numbers 22:31; Matthew 17:6; John 18:6; Revelations 1:17.
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