Taste and See: Discovering God’s Provision in the 7 Foods of the Promised Land

Just as the Israelites tasted and experienced God’s good provision through satisfying, healthy food, so can we as Christians in this day and age!

By Artza

Updated March 31, 2024.

a bunch of different pictures of different fruits and vegetables

Guest contribution: Annette Reeder – The Biblical Nutritionist

What can the story of God’s provision to the Israelites in the Promised Land teach us?

This is what we will discover today.

We will start in the Old Testament, with the story of the Hebrew people coming out of the wilderness and entering the land God had promised them.

Then, together, we will discover the seven amazing foods God had prepared for them in this promised land, and how those seven foods are actually flavors of His grace that we can delight in today. Finally, I’ll share a recipe that incorporates them all!

Yes, just as the Israelites tasted and experienced God’s good provision through satisfying, healthy food, so can we as Christians in this day and age!

Let’s get started.

Grace in the Promised Land: How God Fed & Provided for the Israelites

Do you remember the story? After forty long years of wandering in the wilderness, where God supernaturally provided for all their needs, the Israelites were finally ready to possess the promised land.

The promised land was the destination the Israelites had been dreaming about for years. And now it was time to enter it.

Sample the promised land in modern times with Artza’s gift box subscription. Discover Israeli-made foods, crafts, and content from local artisans and charities. Click here to learn more.

The book of Deuteronomy gives us an account of Moses’ last words to the people before this happened. Let’s turn to chapter eight.

For the Lord your God is bringing you into a good land, a land of streams of water, of fountains and springs, flowing out in valleys and hills; a land of wheat and barley, of vines, fig trees, and pomegranates, a land of olive oil and honey; a land where you will eat food without shortage, in which you will not lack anything; a land whose stones are iron, and out of whose hills you can dig copper. (Deuteronomy 8:7-9 NASB)

Did you see it? Seven specific foods are mentioned in this passage:

● Wheat

● Barley

● Grapes (vines)

● Figs

● Pomegranates

● Olives (olive oil)

● Honey (or dates)

Now, why these seven foods?

The short answer is that each of these foods is a distinct flavor of God’s grace.

That’s right. From wheat to honey, each one highlights a different aspect of God’s perfect provision for His people and their health.

Check it out:

1 - Wheat

The first promised land food mentioned is wheat.

Wheat (or wheat berries) is one of the best Bible foods you can eat.

It is rich in iron, phosphorous, magnesium, manganese, copper, selenium, and more. This makes wheat a huge blessing for your health.

For example, wheat’s high supply of zinc boosts the immune system.

Its vitamin E content protects against breast and stomach cancer.

And the B vitamins wheat contains helps to prevent stress and depression.

All these benefits are evidence of God’s wonderful provision to His people.

Wheat is often spoken of in the Bible, such as in Psalm 81:16:

But I would feed you with the finest of wheat, and with honey from the rock I would satisfy you.

The type of wheat we eat is important. Bread has a special significance in the Bible, but the “dead bread” found in stores is not what God intended us to eat!

2 - Barley

Barley is another excellent food that is referenced throughout the Bible.

In fact, did you know the book of Ruth takes place during a barley harvest?

Throughout Israel’s history, barley was important to the economy (Leviticus 27:16). It was also used in worship (Numbers 5:15).

And while it may be a tiny seed, it is chock-full of nutrition.

Here’s how it blesses the body:

Barley helps prevent inflammation. It also builds a protective barrier in our digestive lining as a defense. This keeps harmful invaders out!

Barley also helps:

● Prevent heart disease

● Prevent the formation of blood clots

● Aid in digestion

● Build healthy hair and skin

● Get rid of kidney stones

It may be a little seed, but it is powerful!

3 - Grapes

The third promised land food is the small but mighty grape. In the Bible, grapes are associated with making the heart glad.

And did you know?

While all grapes have significant health benefits, there is one grape that outshines them all. This grape is called the muscadine grape. The skin and juice of this grape can actually help prevent plaque forming on the arteries, and fight DNA damage.

By eating these grapes, we can actually look and feel younger – for longer.

Talk about a blessing!

4 - Figs

Figs are mentioned over 200 times throughout Scripture. They symbolize prosperity, wellbeing, and security.

Their nutritional benefits are rich as well.

Figs help:

● Nourish cells

● Prevent diabetes

● Improve bone health

● Regulate blood sugar

● And much more!

Plus, figs are tasty! The foods mentioned in the Bible delight the cells of the body and our taste buds.

This next one is a favorite.

5 - Pomegranates

Did you know? Pomegranates are not just a special food. They are a superfood.

They were (and still are) prized in the land of Israel as being one of the most beautiful fruits. In fact, pomegranates were stitched into the hems of the garments of the priests (Exodus 28:33-35).

The health benefits of pomegranates are just as wonderful.

They help:

● Keep skin youthful

● Protect against the sun

● Prevent inflammation in the heart

● Fight eye problems

● Prevent plaque buildup on teeth

● And (most impressively) prevent cancer, particularly breast cancer.

Every time one of the Israelites enjoyed a pomegranate, their bodies were receiving incredible nutrition. Just as we do today.

But the blessing doesn’t stop there.

6 - Olives

Olives also have a rich significance in the Bible. The olive tree symbolized eternity. It can live for hundreds, even thousands, of years.

Throughout Scripture, we see olive oil sometimes used as a symbol of joy, health, and richness (Jeremiah 31:12).

It also had many uses besides eating, such as anointing (Exodus 30:23-25) and lighting lamps (Leviticus 24:2).

And, as you probably guessed, olives are unbelievably good for you.

They are rich in phytonutrients and help heal, remove, and fight many kinds of inflammation. They also lower cholesterol, prevent nerve cell damage, and increase the blood levels of glutathione, the top antioxidant of the body.

Taste the Glilean Zaatar Olives.

Is it making sense why God prepared and highlighted these seven foods?

But wait, there is one more.

7 - Dates (Honey)

Deuteronomy 8:7-9 mentions honey and we believe this was a reference to date honey.

Dates are also a superfood. They are high in minerals and fiber, and packed with energy-boosting properties. Dates help clean up free radicals in the body because of their high levels of antioxidants. They’re also low on the glycemic index so they won’t give a huge spike in insulin.

Plus, there are studies that link the high fiber content in dates to lower rates of certain cancers, especially pancreatic and abdominal cancers. Check out our Date Spread a versatile delight perfect for enhancing your favorite dishes or enjoying as a standalone treat.

Wow, right?

As mind-boggling as it is, these are just some of the many benefits of dates.

Now, I know what you are thinking.

How can I make these foods a part of my daily diet?

I’m with you! But first, let’s quickly revisit the promised land blessings.

What do God’s Promised Land Provisions Teach Us?

The entire Bible collectively tells the greatest story known to mankind. God loved the world so much that He made a way and provided all we would need for complete reconciliation with Him. The Way is Jesus.

Similarly, God made a way for His people to experience delight and satisfaction. He provided perfectly for their health and for their taste buds. With the Israelites, He used seven specific foods as testaments of His grace.

Therefore, I call them the flavors of grace.

The flavors of grace satisfy. They bless and build up every cell of our bodies. They taste wonderful.

And best of all, they remind us of God’s great goodness.

“Taste and see that the Lord is good…” (Psalm 34:8)

Are you ready to taste the flavors of God’s grace?

To learn more about these seven special foods and how they perfectly exemplify God’s goodness, see my new book, The Seven Foods of the Promised Land. In it, you’ll find over two dozen recipes to make at home using these seven foods. Plus, you’ll dig deeper into the marvelous spiritual significance of these foods – there’s so much more to discover!

Finally, start tasting the promised land foods today with this delicious, health-boosting recipe:

Annette’s Promised Land Salad

Here’s what you will need:


● 3 Cups Cooked Barley (optional: Israeli Couscous)

● ¼ Cup Chopped Figs

● ¼ Cup Pitted & Chopped Dates

● ¼ Cup Halved Grapes

● ¼ Cup Pomegranate Seeds


● ¼ Cup Olive Oil

● 2 Teaspoons Honey

● 2 Teaspoons Red Wine Vinegar optional Pomegranate Vinegar

● 1 Teaspoon Honey Mustard


● ¼ Cup Wheat or Barley Cereal for a crunch

● 2 Tablespoons Parsley


1. Combine barley, figs, dates, grapes, pomegranate seeds in a large bowl.

2. Place oil, honey, vinegar, and mustard in a separate bowl. Whisk together.

3. Toss the salad with the vinegar dressing to coat. There may be more than you need or you may love a lot of flavor from the dressing.

4. Add salt and pepper to taste (if you need any).

5. Just before serving, add cereal and toss to distribute.

6. Garnish with fresh chopped parsley.

7. Serve on a bed of bright greens and enjoy!


Tips - more fruits can be added for additional flavor. I typically use 1 cup pomegranate seeds and ½ cup grapes.


I hope you have enjoyed this delicious sampling of God’s provision, shown through His grace and abundance.

If these foods are not a part of your diet today, consider adding them! God’s recipe for excellent health is wonderful indeed.

And if you are ever led to visit Israel, I pray you enjoy the flavors of grace in these foods, the richness of the land, and the joy of walking the streets Jesus traveled.

Sample the promised land in modern times with Artza’s gift box subscription. Discover Israeli-made foods, crafts, and content from local artisans and charities. Click here to learn more. Ps. the upcoming box takes you on a journey through these special 7 Species of Israel