Why are my prayers not being answered by God?

Asked 4 years ago

I'm not asking this out of anger. I've just felt rather lost of late. These thoughts have been running through my mind: "What am I doing here? Why are my prayers not being answered? Why do I even bother?" I think the pain and sadness have become too much. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Tara Jernigan

Tara Jernigan

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

God the Son himself prayed Psalm 22 from the Cross: My God, my God, why have you forsaken me, and are so far from my cry and from the words of my distress?

It may be that your prayers are being answered, and maybe they are not. But keep praying. Freely share your frustration with God and ask him what he wants for you. You may even be in "the valley of the shadow of death" but God is with you. Even to the point of the Cross.

Christ suffered, not just for you, but with you. It is okay to acknowledge that it hurts sometimes. It is okay to be frustrated with God. It is okay to just need someone who will sit with you and be with you, and hopefully that is a 3D person God sends your way, but sometimes that person is Jesus himself, crucified and risen, because our God even knows what it is to us to die.

I hope I've been a little answer to your prayers today. If so, thanks be to God. May he richly bless you in every spiritual blessing.

Petal Mashraki

Friday, August 27, 2021

G_d can answer prayers but he has no obligation to do so (John9:31, Peter 3:12). G_d may choose to delay or deny answering prayers if our motives are not pure (James 4:2-3) or if we are disobedient to G_d. He might want you to intensify your prayer/faith, or it could simply be that we don't know G_d's plan.

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