How can I pray deeply to God during difficult times?
Asked 4 years ago
I have a deep and heartfelt question for you. I've been a Christian for many years. I was once alive with the love of Christ in my heart. But over time, life events got the better of me. I haven't lost my faith in God, but my zest for prayer has dimmed because I've lost friends to sickness and accidents. We pray for people to get better, and still, they die. We pray for people to grow in faith, yet they continue to resist. I've become lost as far as prayer goes. I need a new method of prayer. God has His own plans on how things are going to go, right? My aunt might not get healed from cancer. He might not protect my friends from car wrecks. That friends' son might never see the light. I lost my will to pray. How do you practice prayer? Is there a way to get my heart back into it? I've grown too depressed to ask for healing for people when so many have died anyway. Thanks for holding a space for me to share.
Petal Mashraki
Friday, August 27, 2021
Find a quiet place to pray and open your heart to G_d, pour out your doubts, struggles, and wishes for G_d to hear. There are special prayers for difficult times, but talking directly to Him often works best. Remember, we don't know G_d's plan. If a bad thing happens it may be to avoid an even greater disaster in the future. Only G_d knows, and He is always with you.
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