Where Is the Easter Story in the Bible?
The last supper, the betrayal, the resurrection, and the crucifixion of Jesus Christ form arguably the most important story in the bible, leading us to Easter.
Published February 28, 2022.
The amazing Bible story of Easter—part of the New Testament—includes famous scenes such as the Last Supper, Judas' Betrayal, the Crucifixion of Jesus, and Jesus' Resurrection. We explore this significant series of events using the New Living Translation and King James versions of the Bible.
Which Gospels Have the Easter Story?
The Last Supper
- Matthew 26:17-30
- Mark 14:12-25
- Luke 22:7-23
The Last Supper took place on the first day of Passover. Jesus sat with his 12 disciples, relaxing as they ate. As the dinner progressed, he told them that he would be betrayed by one of them. It would be Judas, and Jesus would pay for this sin with suffering.
He shared bread and wine, explaining how these would become symbols of His body and blood. He washed their feet, showing by example how to serve each other and the weak.
Judas Betrays Jesus
- John 18:1-13
- Luke 22:1-6
- Luke 22:47-54
- Matthew 26:47-56
- Mark 14:43-50
Judas accepted a bribe of 30 silver coins from the Roman authorities, and, after telling them that he would identify Jesus to them with a kiss, lead them to the Garden of Gethsemane, where he knew Jesus would be.
Peter leaped to defend Jesus by attacking Malchus with a sword, but Jesus healed him immediately, and told Peter, "Return your sword to its place, for all those who take up the sword will perish by the sword."
He goes willingly after comforting the disciples with the following words: "How would the Scriptures be fulfilled that say it must take place this way?"
The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ
- Matthew 27:1-54
- Mark 15:1-40
- Luke 23:1-48
- John 19:1-30
We know the story of the crucifixion well. Some of the most famous quotes from this part of the Easter story include: "forgive them, for they do not know what they do," and, "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit...it is finished."
The Resurrection
- Matthew 28
- Mark 16
- Luke 24
- John 20
The Easter story is the most important part of the bible for many Christians, providing us with the light of forgiveness and rebirth.
Looking for a great way to celebrate Easter? Read 8 Easter Gift Ideas for the Whole Family.
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